Thursday, August 26, 2010

Special Promotion & Great opportunity!

So, I am looking for someone to do a shoot with to give me more adult pictures to use as advertisement! Also, I know that there are some people out there that have always wanted to have some pictures done of themselves, but always find other things to do with their money. Everyone deserves to have some photos done of themselves that they can be proud of and display, and hold onto forever! Photos like these are ones that you will want to show your children and your grandchildren! So, whether your a single or busy mom on a tight schedule and budget, or a senior who is struggling in this economy to come up with money for senior pictures, I am offering a chance to have a fun photo shoot that captures your personality, that you can have forever! Simply send me an email telling me your story. Please make sure to include your situation, or reasoning for taking advantage of this deal! I'd love to get to know you as much as possible before the shoot, so please be as lengthy with this story as you'd like! The first THREE people to not only send me an email but to actually schedule a shoot with me will get 50% off of my already low sitting fee!( in other words, the first three to schedule an appointment) This would make the sitting fee for your shoot only $25.00! Unlike most photographers, there is no time limit or picture limit. I will spend as much time as it takes at the location with you, or in meetings with you before the shoot to get every shot we can get! As a child, I never had many professional pictures taken and that includes senior pictures. It is one of my goals as a photographer to make sure that EVERYONE has the opportunity to have quality, fun pictures done of their children and of themselves to have and cherish forever. This is just the first of many promotional and helpful deals that I plan to offer, so please don't be discouraged when I say that I am asking for seniors (students) and adults only this time. Don't worry. . I am still taking appointments for children and families, and there will be deals for them too very soon! :o) Also, please don't feel like since I am only asking for 3 at this time, that you will never make it in time. Ask around, take your time, or simply write me an email yourself about someone you know that you would love to see have this done for him or herself. Don't forget to let me know who told you about me. . there is a special treat for that person as well! Let's work together and offer a great opportunity to some deserving people! :o)

Also, if you are a part of a church or organization, or just know of a good place for flyers, please let me know as I'd love to have them everywhere! And don't forget to mention to people that they can find me on facebook and "like" my page so that they can hear about upcoming deals. Also if you create a google email account, which is free, you can become a follower of this site and comment on any or all of my posts! Thanks for your love and support!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

blah day gone good!

SO. . I was featured in the Christiana Event Newsletter today. It is a newsletter that is sent via email to people in our town that have subscribed. I had no idea this was happening, I posted my storm pictures and a tiny story and when i checked my email today and opened the newsletter to look at it, as I do everyday, there I was! :o) here is the link to see what all the subscribers saw when they clicked on my article! Check out the nature page to see all of the latest weather pictures! ALSO I was asked today to shoot a wedding coming up in September! It's perfect for me, it's a small, country wedding outside, under a willow tree! No pressure, just fun practice! Thanks Kim Hammonds for referring me!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Long overdue post!-Storms 8/21/2010

We had some amazing weather come through yesterday, so, even though I have been sick all weekend so far, I DID manage to get some great pictures! As most of you know, my husband, Jesse, is known as "the weather man". He is who keeps us all updated, and warned while I am at work! He is an extreme weather enthusiast, and I guess I am too! :o) He will be going back to school for meteorology sometime in the future, so for now, it is just a hobby for him, and me! One which he is extremely passionate about. He is currently working on a project to get more early warning sirens put in Murfreesboro. Any-hoo. . The storms yesterday produced a lovely show, and an amazing sunset, so here is the storm through MY eyes! :o)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Time Flies when your havin' fun!

So, shame on me! I have not posted in a while, but thats partly because I have had nothing really going on. I've been working really hard to try to get my name out there everywhere online the past few days. It's working, slowly but surely! I've had a few people contact me to tell me they saw my website via other websites and liked my work! So thats a plus, BUT. . I contacted a local historic restaurant in the small town I live in asking if they had anything set up for local artists to advertise through them. They emailed me back, and she said she would absolutely love to display my "beautiful work" not only in the restaurant but maybe in the store across the street as well! This is mega, huge for me! I am SO exited! You should check them out at ...SO if any of you have any other connections you'd just love to hook me up with, I'd just love you for it! ;o) Every time my confidence starts to fade, something amazing happens. I'm loving every second of this, especially the part that this is the only part of my life that seems to have really good luck and seems to remain positive! ALSO my husbands cousin has asked me to shoot her wedding next spring. . in Arizona!! So that was a HUGE honor as well! Thank you all soo much for your support, and help! Heart ya bunches! OH and I've added some new pictures, just so you have to look around my website some more :o) I'm not telling where on my website to find them :oP so grab a snack, and explore my site, then post it on your facebook pages to tell the world how much you love me! :o)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I edited and added a few more pictures to the portraits page under Holder Family Photo shoot tonight! Also I did a couple more from my trip! I have made a new promise to myself to close the computer and go to bed no later than 10:00 every night now. So I have about 30 seconds to get this posted :o) The two I did from the trip are on this blog, and make sure to go see the new Holder portraits on the portraits page!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Edit, Edit, Edit!

SO, I am back from vacation, and settling back into finishing some unfinished projects I left behind! Check out some of the new pictures I edited from not only my trip, but of the latest photo shoots! Click on the portrait tab and scroll down to the Holder Family Shoot and Cody and Trevor Whites Mini Shoot to see the latest stuff! :o) Here is a tiny sneek peek of those shoots!

Holder Family Photo Shoot

Cody & Trevor's "Mini Shoot"

Monday, August 2, 2010

More Pictures

Here are some more pictures from the Michigan trip!

Mackinac Island Charm
Mackinac Island
Lake Huron

Mackinac Island

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Headin' home to Tennessee..

For the past week, I have been traveling with my mom and dad, and Jesse not only to, but all around the upper peninsula of Michigan. I have re-connected with family, we buried my grandmothers ashes with my grandpa and my sister (who is buried at his feet), we got on each others nerves, we ate too much food, BUT it is a trip I will forever be thankful that I went on, and I loved everyone second of it! I have spent a long time in TN trying to find a new family, or trying to find people to fit in with. This past week has made me realize that my family has been right where I left them this whole time. Just up north, crazy and quirky as ever, full of amazing stories about no only our childhood but our relatives from past generations! So many things that we did this week, I used to do all the time when I was little, but never appreciated. The pure beauty of the Ottawa Forest in itself is breathtaking and I can't believe it has taken me this long to get back up there and really see it. The history of the U.P. is amazing, so many stories, so many things and places to see but without the touristy bs that usually comes with it. Finnish and Swedish accents everywhere, and Chippewa Indians, and the history of how they all got there, and how my family was involved in that move from finland to the is all so fascinating to me. I have never considered myself a history buff, but I guess I pretty much am if I can visit the places, see the faces, and hear the voices. It's amazing.. Ok, well I guess that is enough of my boring ranting and raving about a place most of you have never even heard of! I guess what it boils down too, is if you suddenly cannot find me, I'll be with the yoopers up in my cabin somewhere up north! go on an adventure and find me! (Here are some pictures that I have taken along my journey)