Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just an update!

Hey friends and fans!
I have no blogged in a while, and mostly, that is due to feeling too scatterbrained and unmotivated to get my thoughts together! That is slowly changing, so here we go with a long blog that I hope you all will read and give feedback on!
First off, I know I have been saying that EVERYTHING is changing and becoming more "official" with the New Year. Well, again, my mind has changed, and I think for the better! There are a few things I need to do to better myself before I jump in and make that change, and I promise, it will be better for all of us! My first goal, is to save up for, then purchase photoshop. I, then, am going to do whatever it takes to learn it! A photog I look up to alot (Alfie) once told me that if the editing program I am using is working for me for now, then don't rush to change it and overwhelm myself. I had all intentions of that, and did put it off for a while now. However, in order to have a logo designed and be able to purchase and use alot of marketing products I have found and am excited to use (, I need to learn photoshop! So, I have plans to do that asap!
In the mean time, I am going to change and adjust just a couple of small things on my price list and in the way I do things so I can continue to offer you the same great savings while I continue to build my portfolio for my new website, which I will be launching hopefully by the beginning of this summer (I will keep you updated on that date)!
When I launch my new website, I am going to PUSH marketing and advertisement like you have never known! If you see me during a shoot or just out and about and I shove 500 flyers and cards in your face, please know that it's because I love you and appreciate your business and I want to get myself out there so I can continue to work with you as your family photographer for life!

Another big goal of mine is to TALK to you guys more! I WANT to be your friend! Lets get to know each other! I am going to be talking more on facebook, and blogging more on here! Please help to continue to spread the word, and please, PLEASE keep bringing me feedback! Comments on here and facebook are what keep us photogs motivated and help us feel like we are connected to the word outside of our "offices"!

Love you guys much and I thank you all for what you have helped me with thus far!

BTW I would love to hear from anyone with any great marketing/business ideas! Also, I am really wanting to get an engagement shoot/maternity or just a few sweet couples wanting pics done squeezed into my portfolio! If you are wanting to have any of these done, let me know! We can even work something out if you would love to "help" me but weren't looking to make the investment just yet!

Email me at or facebook me and lets start talking!

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