Hey guys! I won't bore you with another long blog post about what I have been up to because in all reality people. . it isn't much! :o/ I am officially in a rut and just trying to get through each day with this ridiculous economy. It's hard enough these days to pay rising bills, grocery prices, and ridonk gas prices. . then try saving to do ANYTHING extra and it's easy to feel hopeless!
On a lighter note, on Feb. 10th, my husband and I became certified Skywarn weather spotters through the National Weather Service! We attended a class at the Rutherford County EMA here in TN, and we plan to attend both the March 26th class and the advanced class April 2nd in Franklin, TN. It's pretty exciting! Weather is a huge thing at our house. My husband is more into the science and "how, why, where, and when" parts of it. I, on the other hand, just love the magic of it all! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE learning about it as well, but LOVE just feeling the energy in the air and catching it on camera! Adrenaline=good! My husband, Jesse, wants to have our own chase team someday and he is interested in doing some of his own forecasting. I am all about being a spotter but forecasting seems a little boring to me. Swirling around in the wind as the clouds swirl and threaten to drop down on top of us. .now that's where you will find me. :o) Hopefully, with this training and with future emergency trainings, we will be able to help Tennesseans have better warning times and be better educated on what they should be doing! For the last 10 years, TN has led the nation in the number is tornado related fatalities. Educating people on that fact, and on the importance of weather radios and seeking shelter (which means absolutely leaving any and all mobile homes people!) is something that HAS to happen and is something my husband is passionate about. :o)
So, this did turn into a long blog but, hey. . that's ok because you LOVE reading them, right?!
Much love!

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