Hey everyone! I am super excited to show you all Crystal and JJs Holiday shoot! The main location that you see in these photos if her grandmothers house, which is also where the Holiday Mini Session day will take place! This is by far the most functional location I have used so far! I LOVE it there and I want to move in!! Thank you so much to Crystal and JJ not only for thinking to ask me to do your holiday photos this year, but for being such great friends! Also, huge HUGE thank you to Crystals grandmother, Millie, for allowing us to use her house that day, AND for allowing me to come back and use your wonderful home for the location of my first Holiday Mini Session day! I'll probably be huntin' you down and harassing you for several more years to come! Email me today or contact me on Facebook to book your spot for the December 4th Mini Session day! I hope to hear from you all very soon!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Just another small goal of mine. .
Hey guys! I must admit that I have not been the best supporter of the local economy. However, it's one of my goals this next year to change that! I was guided to The 3/50 Project from Rachel Albertson from RelyLocal.com. I have listed my business as a supporter, and I hope to help slowly bring the local economy back up, and I am also hoping to get myself and my business out there a little more by doing so! Check the project out: The350Project.net, there is some pretty cool info in there that most people don't think about! Also, don't forget about Small Business Saturday on November 27th! Shop locally that day not only in your town, but through me! Anyone who makes an appointment with me on that day will receive 20% off of their product!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Brown family slide show!
Hey everyone! Here is a slide show of the Brown families shoot! This family was so sweet, and easy going! They drove all the way down from Ft. Campbell during R&R for a quick family shoot! I was so honored that they chose me and traveled for my work! Their little girl, Mari, was absolutely gorgeous and so fun to follow around! Thanks again to the Browns for choosing me! I hope you enjoy your finished products!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sam's 3rd Birthday! Arrgh!
Hello, hello! I am finished with the pictures from Sam's 3rd birthday! It was pirate themed and took place at his beautiful home! This party was so fun because most of the kids that were there were kids that I know very well from work! Sam's mom works at IADT (International Academy of Design Technology) where she sees interior and graphic designers and photographers everyday, so I was THRILLED when she asked ME to shoot his birthday! Sam's grandmother came outside with me and Sam when I first arrived to try to get some shots of him alone before his party. I am VERY excited about the few that we got! When the party started, they began by decorating their own treasure chests with their name and playing in the pirate ship sandbox in their back yard. After that, there was a scavenger hunt outside where they were played "I spy with my pirate eye". Each time they ran to a new location, there was a treat waiting there for them like the eye patches, the bandanas, and some pirate bracelets! After that, we moved back toward the house for some lunch, and then back inside for some cupcakes! It was a very smooth, laid back, small party but it was full of pirate fun! Thanks again for choosing me!
~*Drag your ouse over the show until the caption appears, and you can pause or skip through the show!*~
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Details about Small Business Saturday!

Hey guys! In order to support small local businesses, I am participating in Small Business Saturday! http://www.facebook.com/SmallBusinessSaturday?v=wall Do your part to be supportive and shop small by booking an appointment with me on Saturday November 27th! Not only will you be showing support, but everyone who books an appointment on this day will receive 20% off when they order their prints as my way of saying thank you!

Appointment must be BOOKED on the 27th of November to be eligible for the discount, but the actual appointment can be for whenever! The discount applies to prints only! When I have the info posted about the holiday mini-shoots, this will apply to those orders as well!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sam's Sneak Peek!

Sunday, November 7, 2010
New website? Special holiday deals???
Hey, hey! I hope everyone enjoyed the Caudle pictures/story! I had a great time hanging out and having a fire with my parents last night, and today, I am off to try my best to find some sales on some much needed clothes/shoes! Wish me luck! I am such a hermit that I almost always end up paying full price for everything the couple of times a year that I try to shop, sale racks disappoint me everytime! On another note, I am going to start working on Sam's 3rd birthday party pictures tonight, and hopefully have them done in time for my next shoot with a military family that my friend Katie Monohan referred to me! I'm excited to meet you Brown family! Also, when I am finished with that shoot, I am hopefully going to get back to working on my other website, which has been put on the back burner recently due to lots of people contacting me for appointments (which is an AMAZING thing!) Also, I am working on a deal for you guys for mini shoots for holiday cards! This is not set in stone, but I am thinking somewhere along the lines of a small session fee for me to come to your house, or anywhere festive that you choose, to take enough pictures for you to have a few to choose from to have put on a cd for you to use for your cards! If you have any suggestions on this matter, PLEASE comment on here, or on my facebook fanpage! I'd love to hear them! Also, there is still time, and I am available to squeeze a few more sessions in for fall pictures! It's getting colder out, but hats and scarfs and sweaters can make a fall family picture super cute! Take advantage, my website and the launch of my official business and price list are coming very soon(first of the new year!!)!
I know I say this alot, but thank you ALL so much for being so supportive following me on my journey! Without your support and comments, and BUSINESS, this journey would come to a screeching halt!
Much love!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Old rusted car and a covered bridge!
So, I have finished the Caudle families photos, and here they are in a slideshow for you to view! But first. . I said they had a story. . so here it is!
First off, this family is SO sweet! When I pulled into their driveway, I saw this old, rusted truck in the back of their property, and I fell in love with it instantly. No sooner than me introducing myself, Paul (green shirt) said that he wanted to take some pictures with the car before we left for our location. Little did I know, it wasn't just some old junked car, it had a beautiful story! I heard little snippets of this story from various family members throughout the entire shoot. Paul said that it was his dads truck when he was young and dating his wife of 40 years! Later, the grandfather told my husband a few cute stories about the truck, one of them being that he had spent many of his younger days coon hunting with it! His wife told me toward the end of the shoot that one time he came to pick her up in it, and there was a cup that he used to "spit" into. (all my southern folks know what this means without further explanation!) She said that she felt something wet and nasty on her leg, and when she looked down, the cup had spilled all down her(ack!)! She said she was so embarrassed and grossed out, but you would never know it by the look on her face as she was telling me this sweet story. I do believe that the glow on their faces, and the love in their eyes was my favorite part of not only this session, but the stories that I heard throughout it! (The grandparents absolutely glowed with SO much love for each other and their family, it melted me the whole day! You can SO see this in each and every picture of them. The way they look at each other, the way they are always holding hands or touching, and the way they looked as they shared their story!)
We then headed to the location that Paul had picked. I only knew at this time that we would be taking an old hunting road to a bridge that was built by locals. When we followed them off of the road onto what seemed to be non existent "trail" covered by leaves, I thought that they had lost their ever lovin' minds! Little did I know, up ahead was the most beautiful covered bridge leading you over a creek and into an opening in the woods that I could have ever imagined! This location was perfect for them! Paul knew the owners of the land, and the builder of the bridge, and there couldn't have been a more perfect/private location for them! As always, there were a couple of times that the moms looked at me like I was crazy when I requested them to do something, but I know that they will LOVE the photos that those "crazy requests" created!
I send MUCH love and gratitude for this precious family for not only sharing their stories with me and choosing me to give them a way to cherish it forever, but for being SO insanely sweet and welcoming to me and my husband! I hope these photos stay in your family forever so that you can have them to show future generations as you pass these stories along!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! As soon as I get ahead a little on all of these projects I will be a little more active! A friend of mine at work told me that she has a friend who is looking for my wedding pictures, if that happens to be you. . here is the link to see the wedding I did in September! http://gallery.me.com/jenniferhines1#100013 Email me at JenniferHinesPhotography@gmail.com for more information!
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