Welcome to my new website! Thank you for following me as I chase my dreams this far! I hope that you will stick with me even further! :o) I have had many kinks to work out recently, and if you are responsible for helping me work through them, in any way, I thank you tremendously! As of right now, I am back in action! :o) If you would like to make an appointment for a shoot, or just have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at JenniferHinesPhotography@Gmail.com ! I am going out of town this Saturday (July 31st) and I will not be back until Monday or Tuesday (August 2nd or 3rd)! My family (mom, dad, husband, me) are driving to Michigan to see some family, and are going to end up in the Upper Peninsula to spend a few days in Mackinac and then heading to L'ance to bury my grandma near my grandpa and sisters grave. It is 40+ hours of car time, but is going to be so worth it to see the great lakes, and family! Also, this will give me SO much time to catch up on editing some of my non portrait pictures that I have put on the back burner, organize my business more, and work more on this website! I will have my laptop with me, and be connected to the internet the entire time, so if you would like to place an order or make an appointment while I am gone, just send me an Email or contact me via Facebook! (Don't worry about "interrupting" my vacation by doing so, I LOVE all of you and I LOVE doing all of this!. . plus it will give me something to do during down time!) I am planning on putting an order in this Friday, so if you have anything you would like to add to it, let me know! (PLEASE read my latest note on Facebook BEFORE you contact me for prints! ) I am so excited to see where all of this goes, and to see how many people WE can ALL get to "follow" me on this website! Keep spreading the word, and keep checking in on here for special offers, updates, events, and new posts and pictures!