Hey everyone! I am super excited to show you all Crystal and JJs Holiday shoot! The main location that you see in these photos if her grandmothers house, which is also where the Holiday Mini Session day will take place! This is by far the most functional location I have used so far! I LOVE it there and I want to move in!! Thank you so much to Crystal and JJ not only for thinking to ask me to do your holiday photos this year, but for being such great friends! Also, huge HUGE thank you to Crystals grandmother, Millie, for allowing us to use her house that day, AND for allowing me to come back and use your wonderful home for the location of my first Holiday Mini Session day! I'll probably be huntin' you down and harassing you for several more years to come! Email me today or contact me on Facebook to book your spot for the December 4th Mini Session day! I hope to hear from you all very soon!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Just another small goal of mine. .
Hey guys! I must admit that I have not been the best supporter of the local economy. However, it's one of my goals this next year to change that! I was guided to The 3/50 Project from Rachel Albertson from RelyLocal.com. I have listed my business as a supporter, and I hope to help slowly bring the local economy back up, and I am also hoping to get myself and my business out there a little more by doing so! Check the project out: The350Project.net, there is some pretty cool info in there that most people don't think about! Also, don't forget about Small Business Saturday on November 27th! Shop locally that day not only in your town, but through me! Anyone who makes an appointment with me on that day will receive 20% off of their product!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Brown family slide show!
Hey everyone! Here is a slide show of the Brown families shoot! This family was so sweet, and easy going! They drove all the way down from Ft. Campbell during R&R for a quick family shoot! I was so honored that they chose me and traveled for my work! Their little girl, Mari, was absolutely gorgeous and so fun to follow around! Thanks again to the Browns for choosing me! I hope you enjoy your finished products!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sam's 3rd Birthday! Arrgh!
Hello, hello! I am finished with the pictures from Sam's 3rd birthday! It was pirate themed and took place at his beautiful home! This party was so fun because most of the kids that were there were kids that I know very well from work! Sam's mom works at IADT (International Academy of Design Technology) where she sees interior and graphic designers and photographers everyday, so I was THRILLED when she asked ME to shoot his birthday! Sam's grandmother came outside with me and Sam when I first arrived to try to get some shots of him alone before his party. I am VERY excited about the few that we got! When the party started, they began by decorating their own treasure chests with their name and playing in the pirate ship sandbox in their back yard. After that, there was a scavenger hunt outside where they were played "I spy with my pirate eye". Each time they ran to a new location, there was a treat waiting there for them like the eye patches, the bandanas, and some pirate bracelets! After that, we moved back toward the house for some lunch, and then back inside for some cupcakes! It was a very smooth, laid back, small party but it was full of pirate fun! Thanks again for choosing me!
~*Drag your ouse over the show until the caption appears, and you can pause or skip through the show!*~
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Details about Small Business Saturday!

Hey guys! In order to support small local businesses, I am participating in Small Business Saturday! http://www.facebook.com/SmallBusinessSaturday?v=wall Do your part to be supportive and shop small by booking an appointment with me on Saturday November 27th! Not only will you be showing support, but everyone who books an appointment on this day will receive 20% off when they order their prints as my way of saying thank you!

Appointment must be BOOKED on the 27th of November to be eligible for the discount, but the actual appointment can be for whenever! The discount applies to prints only! When I have the info posted about the holiday mini-shoots, this will apply to those orders as well!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sam's Sneak Peek!

Sunday, November 7, 2010
New website? Special holiday deals???
Hey, hey! I hope everyone enjoyed the Caudle pictures/story! I had a great time hanging out and having a fire with my parents last night, and today, I am off to try my best to find some sales on some much needed clothes/shoes! Wish me luck! I am such a hermit that I almost always end up paying full price for everything the couple of times a year that I try to shop, sale racks disappoint me everytime! On another note, I am going to start working on Sam's 3rd birthday party pictures tonight, and hopefully have them done in time for my next shoot with a military family that my friend Katie Monohan referred to me! I'm excited to meet you Brown family! Also, when I am finished with that shoot, I am hopefully going to get back to working on my other website, which has been put on the back burner recently due to lots of people contacting me for appointments (which is an AMAZING thing!) Also, I am working on a deal for you guys for mini shoots for holiday cards! This is not set in stone, but I am thinking somewhere along the lines of a small session fee for me to come to your house, or anywhere festive that you choose, to take enough pictures for you to have a few to choose from to have put on a cd for you to use for your cards! If you have any suggestions on this matter, PLEASE comment on here, or on my facebook fanpage! I'd love to hear them! Also, there is still time, and I am available to squeeze a few more sessions in for fall pictures! It's getting colder out, but hats and scarfs and sweaters can make a fall family picture super cute! Take advantage, my website and the launch of my official business and price list are coming very soon(first of the new year!!)!
I know I say this alot, but thank you ALL so much for being so supportive following me on my journey! Without your support and comments, and BUSINESS, this journey would come to a screeching halt!
Much love!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Old rusted car and a covered bridge!
So, I have finished the Caudle families photos, and here they are in a slideshow for you to view! But first. . I said they had a story. . so here it is!
First off, this family is SO sweet! When I pulled into their driveway, I saw this old, rusted truck in the back of their property, and I fell in love with it instantly. No sooner than me introducing myself, Paul (green shirt) said that he wanted to take some pictures with the car before we left for our location. Little did I know, it wasn't just some old junked car, it had a beautiful story! I heard little snippets of this story from various family members throughout the entire shoot. Paul said that it was his dads truck when he was young and dating his wife of 40 years! Later, the grandfather told my husband a few cute stories about the truck, one of them being that he had spent many of his younger days coon hunting with it! His wife told me toward the end of the shoot that one time he came to pick her up in it, and there was a cup that he used to "spit" into. (all my southern folks know what this means without further explanation!) She said that she felt something wet and nasty on her leg, and when she looked down, the cup had spilled all down her(ack!)! She said she was so embarrassed and grossed out, but you would never know it by the look on her face as she was telling me this sweet story. I do believe that the glow on their faces, and the love in their eyes was my favorite part of not only this session, but the stories that I heard throughout it! (The grandparents absolutely glowed with SO much love for each other and their family, it melted me the whole day! You can SO see this in each and every picture of them. The way they look at each other, the way they are always holding hands or touching, and the way they looked as they shared their story!)
We then headed to the location that Paul had picked. I only knew at this time that we would be taking an old hunting road to a bridge that was built by locals. When we followed them off of the road onto what seemed to be non existent "trail" covered by leaves, I thought that they had lost their ever lovin' minds! Little did I know, up ahead was the most beautiful covered bridge leading you over a creek and into an opening in the woods that I could have ever imagined! This location was perfect for them! Paul knew the owners of the land, and the builder of the bridge, and there couldn't have been a more perfect/private location for them! As always, there were a couple of times that the moms looked at me like I was crazy when I requested them to do something, but I know that they will LOVE the photos that those "crazy requests" created!
I send MUCH love and gratitude for this precious family for not only sharing their stories with me and choosing me to give them a way to cherish it forever, but for being SO insanely sweet and welcoming to me and my husband! I hope these photos stay in your family forever so that you can have them to show future generations as you pass these stories along!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! As soon as I get ahead a little on all of these projects I will be a little more active! A friend of mine at work told me that she has a friend who is looking for my wedding pictures, if that happens to be you. . here is the link to see the wedding I did in September! http://gallery.me.com/jenniferhines1#100013 Email me at JenniferHinesPhotography@gmail.com for more information!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Caudle family teaser!
This is going to b a super short post. . but. . I'm freakin tired! :o) I placed the first order for the wedding pictures today, and they should be here by Saturday, at the latest! Also, now that I can focus my whole attention on current things, I have been working on the Caudle family's pictures tonight! I am going to put a tiny sneak peek on this post. :o) The car has a story, and a history of it's own in this family, but I'm going to make you wait until I have all of the pictures done to tell you the whole story! I have about 80 more pictures for this family to edit, and then Saturday I have a 3yr old birthday party! Also, coming up November 9th, I have a military family shoot! This being said, my days are filling in, the colors will very soon be fading out, and that means that NOW is the time for you and your family to make an appointment with me for fall pictures! Hope to hear from you soon!
{Paul and his boys John Paul and Sammy Jo!}
Saturday, October 23, 2010
More Change!
Hey guys! I have been working all morning on removing a person (who was sitting right u against another person against a complicated background! EEK) from one of the wedding pictures. This was my first time trying this, and although I had to do some blurring of the background to keep focus on the subject, I a pretty happy with the end result! Practice makes perfect, right?? :o) Also, This is NOT a final draft, but I think I am headed more toward a direction that is more "me" with the blog! What do you think? I was thinking about making it all light and bright colors, very "airy" and cheery, ya know? However, since I've been OBSESSIVELY looking at other photographers work and websites (Thank you "Shoot Franklin" again for slapping me in the face!), I saw that EVERYONES is like that! SO, I decided to make it go a little bit more with my "official" websites color theme (which you have not seen yet, tehe), AND be BOLD and different. I still have some work to do on it, but what do you think? HONEST opinions! Even if you tell me its so dark that it depressed you to even visit it LOL Feedback is ALWAYS appreciated and is one of the best ways you can help me grow and learn! (Other than making appointments with me lol).
Also, I am excited for the Caudle family shoot tomorrow! I have not yet seen this location, but it sounds SUPER cool, and it is SO this family it's crazy! Can't wait to show ya!
Also, I am excited for the Caudle family shoot tomorrow! I have not yet seen this location, but it sounds SUPER cool, and it is SO this family it's crazy! Can't wait to show ya!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Update on some changes!
Ah..Time to chill out on the couch and have some dinner! I have been working hard ALL day on trying to improve the business side of things! I FINALLY decided to build a whole new website to act as my business site, and use this blog to not only continue to document my journey, but allow you to follow! :o) My wonderful hubby did all the laundry, got my stuff ready for work in the morning, and cooked dinner while I did all of this! I am so luck to have such wonderful support! My website is gorgeous, and a HUGE step up for me, and it was SO easy to do! I did it all by myself. . yay!! Now, it's time to get a new account for this stuff and add paypal to it so that I can make it easier for you guys to buy your prints and pay your sitting fees! I am so excited about all of this. . I can't wait to see where it goes! Thanks for following and supporting me, and don't forget to suggest my facebook page to all of your friends! (under my picture in the top left corner you can see this option!)
Much love and excitement!
Much love and excitement!
Friday, October 15, 2010
A group that I halfway keep up with on facebook does this thing called Fix-it-Fridays. They give you a picture to play with and ask that you submit your final edit! It's a fun way to see different photographers take on the same picture! Here is my first one!
What do you think?
(Click for larger view!)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The smell of change is in the air. .and it smells good!
Hello fans!
Many things are on my mind tonight with this whole photography thing! As you probably (or i should say "should have"!) read, earlier in the beginning of this journey, My prices, and ideas were all introductory and just "ideas". I have learned SO much, not only from countless hours of research and networking, but from trial and error and experience as well. The main thing that I have learned, well "confirmed", is that I want to do this as a career, for the rest of my life! This means that changes need to be made in order for me to reach some of my goals. I am currently trying to gather and organize all of my thoughts and knowledge, and put them into a plan. With this being said, you should take advantage of my introductory rates very soon! I want to thank everyone so much that has hired me/allowed me to practice with them or their children/bought prints of photos I took at work/and also to those who have inspired me and cheered me on, but it's time to get a little more serious now. I will be doing some changes to my website (maybe even building a whole new one), adding paypal to my site (not only to make it easier for you to order my non-portrait work, but to pay your deposits and other fees and charges), making adjustments to my price list and being more specific on my goals and ideas as a photographer. This means that here shortly, I will have a licensed business and if another offer I am working on follows through, I will be a published photographer! :o) Yay me! (Don't get me too excited, It's not done yet) The combination of these things all mean that my confidence level has risen tremendously, and people are not just liking, but LOVING what I'm doing apparently, which is awesome! My confidence rising, has helped me realize my own potential, and the fact that my dream of doing this full time can come true, it is just going to take some planning and changing to do so! YOU are the reason my confidence has risen, and I want you to know how much I love you all for it! I really hope that you all will bear with me and continue to be supportive and loving as I go through these changes. I want to take you all with me! As soon as things change and begin to settle and work out, I have all intentions of finding ways to show my big supporters and helpers just how much I appreciate them! Word of mouth, hanging flyers, handing out business cards, hooking me up with someone(or you!) who knows about something that could be of use to me (such as business stuff, advertising, etc.), and continuing to give me your business and support are all ways that you can not only continue on this journey with me, but ways that you can help me achieve my dream! I created a client questionnaire tonight that I am going to start sending to all potential clients to help me get to know them some more, so please email me or facebook me if you are interested in booking a shoot, and I'll send that right on over to you! Please drop me any comments/advise/criticism on my facebook page, or create a google email account for free so that you can "follow" this page and leave comments! Email is JenniferHinesPhotography@gmail.com
MUCH love and gratitude to you ALL tonight!
Jennifer Hines
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
More of the lovely Katie Monohan!
Here is part two of Katie Monohans shoot!
I hope you are all having a good week, I know I am ready for the weekend already!
I'd like to throw a special thank you out there to Mrs. Monohan for all of her
advertising that she has done on her facebook page for me!
Also, for all of the help that she offers me with all of the technical stuff that I just don't get!
I will put all of Katies pictures in an online gallery (like the wedding) very soon
so that you guys can see bigger versions of all of her pictures!
(Click image for larger view)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
"Letters from home" photo shoot featuring Katie Monohan!
(click on the image for a bigger view!)
Here is the "letters to Kristian" portion of Katie's photo shoot! We had a VERY fun night just hanging out and taking some great pics, for a few different reasons! Her husband, Kristian, is in the army and is currently deployed! This particular set of pictures were not only for fun, and for some practice, but also a great way for her to show the world how much she loves, supports, and misses her husband everyday! By the way, that tiny bear you see in the pictures, is Joe. :o) Kristian recorded her a sweet message on it and sent it to her in the beginning of his deployment! How sweet is that!
The rest of her pictures are coming VERY soon! (There is a sneak peak of them on my facebook page in the Katie Monohan album!)
Monday, October 11, 2010
Fall appointments and such

Ahh..so nice to not be on a deadline for a little while! I just get to chill and work on some side projects, such as Katie Monohan's fun shoot that she did not only to help me practice, but also to celebrate her new found confidence and to have a little treat for her deployed husband! I'll post those when they are done so you can see my new way of doing things! I am going to stop posting pictures on facebook as I edit them, and instead, wait until the entire shoot is finished. Then I will post a collage of my favorites from the shoot on this blogsite, but the entire shoot will be placed in a seperate online gallery site for viewing! This site will NOT be password protected unless you request that it is. You also should let me know if you would like for me to not post the link for that anywhere for my other clients and future clients to see for advertising/sample purposes! Also, October is filling up quickly, so if your wanting to make an appointment, please read my price list for updates, and let me know asap! The news last night informed me that the peak color change time in TN is late October, so whether your wanting some nice fall pics, or some fun Halloween pics, now is the time to do it! :o) We can even combine both of those into one session if you'd like! Don't forget that I can do weekday evenings as well (I just might not be willing to travel as far from home as it gets dark earlier now!)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
FALL in love!
Something about this time of year is so magical for me. The harvest season! Earlier orange sunsets, halloween, the moon! I feel the fall buzz all around me every year, and I love everything about it! Here are some shots of tonights sunset that I had to share :o) Don't forget, that even if you are a hermit, ALWAYS take time to at least peek out the window at the sunset, it's an ever-changing beauty!

Monday, September 20, 2010
Wedding news and updates!
SO I have now finished editing 66 of the wedding pictures! Whew! Still have a few from the ceremony and the reception, and then they will be ALL done! Please refer to the price list and send me an email if you are interested in buying any! PLEASE don't forget, that if a package is ordered, you can get 1 4x6 of EVERY picture from this wedding for an additional $40! This would be a great way to put togethor an album or scrapbook to remember this beautiful wedding, or to give as a gift! Also, please look in the notes section of my FaceBook page for more ideas! These include matboard prints/canvas prints/calendars etc. If you are interested in any of those, please let me know! OH and since this is my first wedding, and I had no plans of doing weddings when I created my price list, let me know if none of the packages fit what you are interested in, I can create a custom package for you, see price list for details on that! Please help me continue to spread the word about me! I am at a total of 107 fans (people who "like" my facebook page), and when I get to 130, I am going to run a special promotion, so keep talkin about me, and passing my name around! :o) Please see the portrait page on this website for the wedding pictures!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hello Hello! I have been SUPER busy editing the almost 1000 pics I took at last weekends wedding, and I have hardly even touched them. . LOL :o) I have some news though, there is now only ONE spot left for the latest promotion! SO, the NEXT person that books and appointment with me for a shoot gets half off of my sitting fee! That brings it down to $25.00! What an amazing deal for a fun day outside capturing beautiful pictures of yourself and your family that you can cherish forever! :o) ALSO, as of right now, half of the sitting fee is due at the time that you make an appointment with me. This is to hold your spot, and is non-refundable. If your name is currently written in my appointment book, this doesn't apply to you obviously, but if you are planning or wanting to schedule an appointment with me, be ready to pay $25.00 at that time. Right now I accept cash and personal checks. Please write checks to Jennifer Hines. The rest of the sitting fee ($25.00) will be due on the day of your shoot. I can't wait to head into fall and get some wonderful pictures of your families with the colors, smells, and temps of this amazing season! :o)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wedding shoot
As alot of you probably know, yesterday was my first wedding or event shoot ever! It was a wedding that was supposed to be very laid back and country. . AND outside, which is where I know how to shoot. However, last minute it got moved inside, so I was a nervous freakin' wreck about it. I was shaking so bad when I got there that I was having a hard time avoiding camera shake LOL However, this family was so fun, laid back and hilarious that I eased right on in. Once I got started, and started taking charge of the situations I L-O-V-E-D it! I NEVER thought I would love shooting a wedding this much . . it was right up my alley! Sparkles, glitter, dirty boots and SOO many opportunities for amazing candid shots! It helped alot that this couple, as well as their entire family, were beautiful and extremely photogenic! :o) I went with all intentions of leaving shortly after the reception started, but I pretty much had to be dragged out by my husband lol. I took over 800 pictures, and I am SO excited to get to editing! I'm pretty sure I was glowing just as much as the bride by the end of it! Thank you so much Katelyn and Nick Nance, and the whole family for letting me be a part of your amazing evening! I appreciate your patience, and you allowing me to use your special day for some amazing practice! It was a beautiful night and I had a blast stalking you! :o)
Here is just a teeny weeny sneak peek of the wedding, LOTS MORE to come!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Only two spots left!
Spot numero uno has been filled for my special offer! There are only two spots left, and just to make it more interesting, I'm putting an expiration date on it! Mwaha. . Make your appointment by September 17th to get 50% off of my sitting fee, or miss out on this special opportunity! Don't forget that this appointment can be for anytime, next year if you want! Also, please remember that this offer is for adults and senior students only, but keep your eyes peeled for upcoming specials! Also, I think it would be extremely fun to some day do an after the wedding "trash the dress" type of shoot, let me know if thats something you may be interested in! It can be a little dirty with some grass, or hay, or just a dirty place to sit, or we can make it filthy! :o) Also, it doesn't necessarily have to be a wedding dress, any dress would be fun! Hope you all had a great long weekend, shoot me an email, get yourself a google account for free and follow me, or send me some comments on facebook!
Saturday, September 4, 2010

These are on the pet page!

Remember, there are many ways to make your pet portraits unique and more fitting with the decor in your home!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Special Promotion & Great opportunity!
So, I am looking for someone to do a shoot with to give me more adult pictures to use as advertisement! Also, I know that there are some people out there that have always wanted to have some pictures done of themselves, but always find other things to do with their money. Everyone deserves to have some photos done of themselves that they can be proud of and display, and hold onto forever! Photos like these are ones that you will want to show your children and your grandchildren! So, whether your a single or busy mom on a tight schedule and budget, or a senior who is struggling in this economy to come up with money for senior pictures, I am offering a chance to have a fun photo shoot that captures your personality, that you can have forever! Simply send me an email telling me your story. Please make sure to include your situation, or reasoning for taking advantage of this deal! I'd love to get to know you as much as possible before the shoot, so please be as lengthy with this story as you'd like! The first THREE people to not only send me an email but to actually schedule a shoot with me will get 50% off of my already low sitting fee!( in other words, the first three to schedule an appointment) This would make the sitting fee for your shoot only $25.00! Unlike most photographers, there is no time limit or picture limit. I will spend as much time as it takes at the location with you, or in meetings with you before the shoot to get every shot we can get! As a child, I never had many professional pictures taken and that includes senior pictures. It is one of my goals as a photographer to make sure that EVERYONE has the opportunity to have quality, fun pictures done of their children and of themselves to have and cherish forever. This is just the first of many promotional and helpful deals that I plan to offer, so please don't be discouraged when I say that I am asking for seniors (students) and adults only this time. Don't worry. . I am still taking appointments for children and families, and there will be deals for them too very soon! :o) Also, please don't feel like since I am only asking for 3 at this time, that you will never make it in time. Ask around, take your time, or simply write me an email yourself about someone you know that you would love to see have this done for him or herself. Don't forget to let me know who told you about me. . there is a special treat for that person as well! Let's work together and offer a great opportunity to some deserving people! :o)
My email address is JenniferHinesPhotography@gmail.com
Also, if you are a part of a church or organization, or just know of a good place for flyers, please let me know as I'd love to have them everywhere! And don't forget to mention to people that they can find me on facebook and "like" my page so that they can hear about upcoming deals. Also if you create a google email account, which is free, you can become a follower of this site and comment on any or all of my posts! Thanks for your love and support!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
blah day gone good!
SO. . I was featured in the Christiana Event Newsletter today. It is a newsletter that is sent via email to people in our town that have subscribed. I had no idea this was happening, I posted my storm pictures and a tiny story and when i checked my email today and opened the newsletter to look at it, as I do everyday, there I was! :o) here is the link to see what all the subscribers saw when they clicked on my article! Check out the nature page to see all of the latest weather pictures! ALSO I was asked today to shoot a wedding coming up in September! It's perfect for me, it's a small, country wedding outside, under a willow tree! No pressure, just fun practice! Thanks Kim Hammonds for referring me!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Long overdue post!-Storms 8/21/2010
We had some amazing weather come through yesterday, so, even though I have been sick all weekend so far, I DID manage to get some great pictures! As most of you know, my husband, Jesse, is known as "the weather man". He is who keeps us all updated, and warned while I am at work! He is an extreme weather enthusiast, and I guess I am too! :o) He will be going back to school for meteorology sometime in the future, so for now, it is just a hobby for him, and me! One which he is extremely passionate about. He is currently working on a project to get more early warning sirens put in Murfreesboro. Any-hoo. . The storms yesterday produced a lovely show, and an amazing sunset, so here is the storm through MY eyes! :o)

Friday, August 13, 2010
Time Flies when your havin' fun!
So, shame on me! I have not posted in a while, but thats partly because I have had nothing really going on. I've been working really hard to try to get my name out there everywhere online the past few days. It's working, slowly but surely! I've had a few people contact me to tell me they saw my website via other websites and liked my work! So thats a plus, BUT. . I contacted a local historic restaurant in the small town I live in asking if they had anything set up for local artists to advertise through them. They emailed me back, and she said she would absolutely love to display my "beautiful work" not only in the restaurant but maybe in the store across the street as well! This is mega, huge for me! I am SO exited! You should check them out at http://www.millersgrocery.com/ ...SO if any of you have any other connections you'd just love to hook me up with, I'd just love you for it! ;o) Every time my confidence starts to fade, something amazing happens. I'm loving every second of this, especially the part that this is the only part of my life that seems to have really good luck and seems to remain positive! ALSO my husbands cousin has asked me to shoot her wedding next spring. . in Arizona!! So that was a HUGE honor as well! Thank you all soo much for your support, and help! Heart ya bunches! OH and I've added some new pictures, just so you have to look around my website some more :o) I'm not telling where on my website to find them :oP so grab a snack, and explore my site, then post it on your facebook pages to tell the world how much you love me! :o)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I edited and added a few more pictures to the portraits page under Holder Family Photo shoot tonight! Also I did a couple more from my trip! I have made a new promise to myself to close the computer and go to bed no later than 10:00 every night now. So I have about 30 seconds to get this posted :o) The two I did from the trip are on this blog, and make sure to go see the new Holder portraits on the portraits page!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Edit, Edit, Edit!
SO, I am back from vacation, and settling back into finishing some unfinished projects I left behind! Check out some of the new pictures I edited from not only my trip, but of the latest photo shoots! Click on the portrait tab and scroll down to the Holder Family Shoot and Cody and Trevor Whites Mini Shoot to see the latest stuff! :o) Here is a tiny sneek peek of those shoots!
Holder Family Photo Shoot

Cody & Trevor's "Mini Shoot"

Monday, August 2, 2010
More Pictures
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Headin' home to Tennessee..

For the past week, I have been traveling with my mom and dad, and Jesse not only to, but all around the upper peninsula of Michigan. I have re-connected with family, we buried my grandmothers ashes with my grandpa and my sister (who is buried at his feet), we got on each others nerves, we ate too much food, BUT it is a trip I will forever be thankful that I went on, and I loved everyone second of it! I have spent a long time in TN trying to find a new family, or trying to find people to fit in with. This past week has made me realize that my family has been right where I left them this whole time. Just up north, crazy and quirky as ever, full of amazing stories about no only our childhood but our relatives from past generations! So many things that we did this week, I used to do all the time when I was little, but never appreciated. The pure beauty of the Ottawa Forest in itself is breathtaking and I can't believe it has taken me this long to get back up there and really see it. The history of the U.P. is amazing, so many stories, so many things and places to see but without the touristy bs that usually comes with it. Finnish and Swedish accents everywhere, and Chippewa Indians, and the history of how they all got there, and how my family was involved in that move from finland to the UP...it is all so fascinating to me. I have never considered myself a history buff, but I guess I pretty much am if I can visit the places, see the faces, and hear the voices. It's amazing.. Ok, well I guess that is enough of my boring ranting and raving about a place most of you have never even heard of! I guess what it boils down too, is if you suddenly cannot find me, I'll be with the yoopers up in my cabin somewhere up north! go on an adventure and find me! (Here are some pictures that I have taken along my journey)
Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Friday! Just thought I'd do a couple different edits on this pretty pink flower at nap time at work today! Hope you guys are having a great Friday, and are looking as forward to this weekend as I am! If you want to be able to leave comments under my posts and have a little picture of you under "followers" on this page, all you have to do is set up a google email account (free obviously), even if you don't ever use it, then come back to my site and choose to be a follower!! Love you guys!
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hello, Hello! I have been pretty busy getting ready for my trip, but, of course, I made some time to edit a few pictures! These are a few that I took while we were at my parents houseboat at Dale Hollow Lake! It's gorgeous here, as you can see! The tree with the roots spoke to me so vividly that I was determined to get an awesome shot of it, and I think I just may have succeeded! :o) And yes, I said it spoke to me, everything in nature has the ability to tell you a story, you just have to know how to listen to it! :o) Ok, i'll stop being creepy now. . I hope I'm not boring you guys to terribly. . stick with me. . I plan to make this blog more active, interesting, and discount offering very soon in the future!

Hello, Hello! I have been pretty busy getting ready for my trip, but, of course, I made some time to edit a few pictures! These are a few that I took while we were at my parents houseboat at Dale Hollow Lake! It's gorgeous here, as you can see! The tree with the roots spoke to me so vividly that I was determined to get an awesome shot of it, and I think I just may have succeeded! :o) And yes, I said it spoke to me, everything in nature has the ability to tell you a story, you just have to know how to listen to it! :o) Ok, i'll stop being creepy now. . I hope I'm not boring you guys to terribly. . stick with me. . I plan to make this blog more active, interesting, and discount offering very soon in the future!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Welcome to my new website! Thank you for following me as I chase my dreams this far! I hope that you will stick with me even further! :o) I have had many kinks to work out recently, and if you are responsible for helping me work through them, in any way, I thank you tremendously! As of right now, I am back in action! :o) If you would like to make an appointment for a shoot, or just have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at JenniferHinesPhotography@Gmail.com ! I am going out of town this Saturday (July 31st) and I will not be back until Monday or Tuesday (August 2nd or 3rd)! My family (mom, dad, husband, me) are driving to Michigan to see some family, and are going to end up in the Upper Peninsula to spend a few days in Mackinac and then heading to L'ance to bury my grandma near my grandpa and sisters grave. It is 40+ hours of car time, but is going to be so worth it to see the great lakes, and family! Also, this will give me SO much time to catch up on editing some of my non portrait pictures that I have put on the back burner, organize my business more, and work more on this website! I will have my laptop with me, and be connected to the internet the entire time, so if you would like to place an order or make an appointment while I am gone, just send me an Email or contact me via Facebook! (Don't worry about "interrupting" my vacation by doing so, I LOVE all of you and I LOVE doing all of this!. . plus it will give me something to do during down time!) I am planning on putting an order in this Friday, so if you have anything you would like to add to it, let me know! (PLEASE read my latest note on Facebook BEFORE you contact me for prints! ) I am so excited to see where all of this goes, and to see how many people WE can ALL get to "follow" me on this website! Keep spreading the word, and keep checking in on here for special offers, updates, events, and new posts and pictures!
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